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Losing weight doesn’t have to be hard
Have you always struggled with your weight? Have you tried countless diets you couldn’t stick to? Do you gain the weight back as soon as you stop? Have you resigned yourself to a life of being heavier than you’d like?
I used to be like you. I grew up fat and had many failed diet attempts. Then I stumbled onto the right way to lose weight. I’ve kept the weight off for twenty years now, and it wasn’t even that difficult.
This is the story of how I did it, and how you can too. Through the methods in The Weight Loss Habit, you will be able to lose weight with:
- No restrictions on what you can eat. You can even have fast food.
- No reliance on willpower.
- No need for exercise.
- No gaining the weight back.
- Plus, how smartphone games can make you skinnier. (Really!)
No gimmicks, no BS. Just straightforward advice on how to build the habits that will make weight loss easy. If you struggle with weight loss, this book is for you.